Just like medicine and pharmacy, medical and pharmaceutical translation is a very wide field of specialisation that covers numerous subspecialties. Each and every one of these medical and pharmaceutical specialties has a very wide range of laws and regulations that not only limit the scope of action or professional exercise, but also in many cases the terminology and phraseology itself. Similarly, considering the growing importance of health services and pharmaceutical products in the economy and in public administration, medical translation combines specialisation languages and various registers, not only specialised language and dissemination, but also legal, administrative, technical, ICT, advertising and marketing language. Moreover, the bio-sanitary and pharmaceutical fields are subject to constant updating, whether linguistic or conceptual. This requires the translator to have an advanced management of tools and information resources.
If you add to these difficulties the impact that medical texts have upon health and people’s lives, it is obvious that only professionals with specialised training and experience can practise it safely and adequately for the client and the user. That is why AltaLingua has a team of specialised, experienced and specifically trained translators, who guarantee a reliable translation that complies with the requirements of the client, the market and the sanitary and pharmaceutical sector.
AltaLingua has a great experience with numerous types of texts, such as:
- Medical certificates (analysis, medical tests, medical examinations, physical fitness tests, diagnostic reports, death certificates, autopsy reports)
- Medical equipment manuals
- Specialised articles in scientific journals
- Clinical trial protocols
- Data sheets
- Package inserts
- Sanitary, medical and pharmaceutical products advertising
- Medical releases
- Patient information (informed consent, information leaflets)
- Internal documentation from health centres and hospitals (medical records, Human Resources documentation, internal communications, emergency plans)
- Occupational Health and Safety documentation (occupational risks programs, accident reports, medical reports, prevention protocols, technical procedures)
About AltaLingua
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