AltaLingua has a team of technical translators specialised in specific areas and different languages. In order to offer a high quality technical translation, it is essential for translators to perfectly master the source and the target languages. They must also have a wide range of experience in translating specialised texts, thanks to which they have acquired knowledge on the subject, a broad terminology and tremendous skills when it comes to finding and managing documentation. To the greatest extent possible, with technical translations it is convenient to work from the client’s prior material in order to guarantee the best coherent terminology. Furthermore, this enables our team to extend our translation memories, our glossaries and our terminological databases of reference, both those created by the client, and those created by AltaLingua. This is a means to guarantee the best quality translation.
Among its collaborators, AltaLingua works with proof-readers, who are professionals from different areas that proof-read the translated text one last time in order to guarantee that the terminology is adequate.
Here are some of AltaLingua’s translation specialities:
• Engineering translation
• Railway translation
• Architectural translation
• Industrial translation
• Construction translation
• Telecommunication translation
• Energy translation
• Aeronautics translation
• Military translation
• ICT translation
What is a technical translation?
Technical translations are the ones that refer to engineering, scientific, medical, chemical, and ICT content or specify disciplines that require a wide, complex vocabulary on a precise subject.
AltaLingua often translates studies, reports, user manuals and products descriptions that require the translator to have a thorough knowledge of the field in order to employ the right terminology according to each document.
What are the characteristics of a technical translation?
Technical translations seek to convey information in an objective manner as they usually deal with very specific content. A correct application of terminology is of paramount importance.
What knowledge should a technical translator have?
A technical translator, in addition to being trained in languages and have a tremendous knowledge of the source and target languages, must also have in-depth knowledge of and vocabulary on the subject, both in the source and target languages of the technical translation. The translator has to keep up-to-date with the scientific research in their area of specialisation, and have the sufficient knowledge to understand and express highly complex texts.
How do glossaries and translation memories help for technical translations?
AltaLingua works with specific translation programs, which enable terminological databases to be created and maintained in order to offer the same coherence throughout the text. Technical translations require specific terminology, and these tools help the translator to be more accurate in every translation, depending on the area and the objective of the translation.
AltaLingua is a leading company in the translation and interpreting sector. It has a team of native and certified translators and interpreters, holding university degrees and trained in different fields. This guarantees a quality technical translation for every need and language pair. AltaLingua works with more than 500 companies all over the world and offers a large variety of language pairs. Moreover, each week it translates into 30 languages thanks to its native translators. It has also implemented Quality Management Systems based on Standards ISO 9001:2015 and UNE-EN 17100:2015.
Request a quote for a technical translation
No-strings attached translation quote. Send your document to us through the Quote Request form or by e-mail to altalingua@altalingua.co.uk so that we can offer you the most competitive quote.