International Book Day
- 10:50 am
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International Book Day International Book Day is celebrated every April 23: on your marks, get ready to read! Book Day is an annual celebration held on April 23rd in many countries around the world. This date was chosen in honor […]
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The 12 longest words in the world
- 11:44 am
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The 12 Longest Words in the World: A Glimpse of Linguistic Wonders Human language is fascinating, and one of the most interesting features of words is their length. Across the world, different languages harbor extraordinarily long words that challenge our […]
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International Mother Language Day
- 10:38 am
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International Mother Language Day Did you know that every 21 February is International Mother Language Day? If you would like to know the origin of this celebration and its importance for future generations, read on. International Mother Language Day is […]
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8 Tips for translation students
- 3:11 pm
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Tips for translation students Here are some recommendations for translation students to further develop their training and career orientation. 1. Never stop improving your working languages. Improve the working languages you already have in your combination before starting with new […]
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Chinese New Year 2025
- 1:03 pm
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Chinese New Year 2025 The Chinese New Year is celebrated from 29 January onwards. This year, the festival coincides with the entry of the Wood Snake, a period full of wisdom, intuition and cunning. The combination with wood brings qualities […]
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Types of translation
- 4:46 pm
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A text is translated so that people who do not know the original language (or, in any case, do not know it well enough) understand perfectly what you want to communicate. Globalization, whether for business or pleasure, has made the […]
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World Population Day
- 10:47 am
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World Population Day: Every 11 July is World Population Day, an important date that invites us to reflect on population growth and the impact population has on our planet. This commemoration, established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1989, […]
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Chinese New Year 2024
- 10:39 am
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Chinese New Year 2024. The Chinese New Year is celebrated from 10 February onwards. This year, the festivity coincides with the entrance of the Dragon, a period full of energy, creativity and renewal. The Year of the Dragon is considered […]
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Career opportunities for people with language skills
- 4:46 pm
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Knowing languages increases the chances of finding a job and improving professionally. In today’s globalized and technologized world, practically any profession demands a knowledge, even if it is minimal, of languages (read English). But, for those people who are good […]
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what are the most spoken languages in the world?
- 4:14 pm
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In the estimates of speakers by language there is a very large difference if we compare speakers by native language from speakers as a second language. Top 10 most spoken native languages: Chinese: spoken by more than 900 million people […]
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ISO 639 – Codification of language names.
- 4:02 pm
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Codes for the representation of language names ISO 639 is used to identify different languages and language groups or families with codes. The most commonly used application for abbreviating language names is the ISO 639-1 and 639-2 version, which order […]
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Differences between sworn translation and simple translation.
- 3:49 pm
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Sworn translation A sworn translation or official translation in Spain, is a translation of an official nature, which can only be carried out by a translator with the certificate of sworn translator-interpreter awarded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and […]
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Audiovisual translation and adaptation
- 10:24 am
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What is translation and audiovisual adaptation about? Audiovisual translation and adaptation is a transformation of what is seen and heard in an audiovisual project into the target language, i.e. an interaction that the interpreter must carry out between linguistic and […]
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Voluntary translation
- 10:06 am
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Once you have finished your university degree in translation, you ask yourself what the next step will be. Normally your first concern is to get the sufficient experience in order to be able to develop and apply your previous knowledge, […]
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Ventajas de traducir el perfil de LinkedIn
- 7:43 am
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Advantages of translating your LinkedIn profile: Time passes and professional relationships change thanks to digitisation. We become more demanding and more accessible to work anywhere in the world and therefore, showing a consistent image on the Internet is becoming an essential […]
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Translation for social networks – What is it?
- 12:40 pm
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Social networks are part of the daily life of many Internet users today, and many businesses use them with the aim of developing their online marketing strategies. The commercial use of social networks for exchanging and sharing information with users […]
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Traducción certificado COVID
- 9:39 am
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Xxxxxxxxxx Los certificados para acreditar ser COVID negativo y poder trasladarse entre países son cada vez más frecuentes, algunos países exigen que las personas que llegan desde el extranjero acrediten ser negativos en COVID con un certificado de análisis realizado […]
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Translation Techniques
- 9:38 am
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The different translation techniques are translation mechanismsto achieve the best result in the target language translation consists of conveying the same message from one language to another, taking into account the culture, space and time of the source language and […]
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Transcription tools
- 1:13 pm
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In order to carry out professional translation services it is fundamental to have necessary transcription tools that are adapted to the service and the transcriber. There are not many professional transcription software that allow us to carry out a manual […]
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Website translation business
- 9:05 am
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Website translation business Having professionals experienced in website translation is fundamental for the spread and globalisation of any business. AltaLingua is a website translation business with extensive experience in the market. We have native in-house translators for the main linguistic […]
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